Sunday, March 16, 2014

momentary relationship

Happy Holy to all of you there who are enjoying with family and friends or otherwise accompanied by bhang and those vibrant hues of life. The festival of colours is indeed very mesmerizing, smearing colours on the faces of your beloved ones. Today I am feeling more excited and exuberant to write something which I was contemplating of penning down for a while, the essence of momentary relationships and its power to captivate millions of people. I am not here mentioning about the virtual world or one night stands rather the common mans idea of expressing “ok we will meet soon” /”I will call you back” /”Ya ya I will come”. Do people really revert back after that or live up to their promises? If people don’t mean what they say then why to comment?Everybody here is trying to grab momentary pleasure and then forget about the seed of relationship that they have planted in the course of their journey. I am not complaining about seeking momentary pleasure but enjoying it to the fullest that it stays with us .

Life is very short and if we get some companion through its way then why not cherishes that. What do you say friends??


  1. The reason why we are not able to keep up those promises is probably because we are not sure we want to invest such kind of time to such relationships. I mean will these relationships feature in your life in the next ten years? In this fast paced world we end up prioritising and some interactions do not fall in our current set of priorities.

    1. thank you so much dear for your valuable comment.very true priorities is very important in life and time that is i believe the most valuable costliest resource we have
